Mongolian Grammar

Mongolian Grammar

Vom mongolischen Bildungsministerium 1997 ausgezeichnet als:


Dieses Buch ist geeignet für Menschen, die gut und vertieft Mongolisch lernen möchten. 

Durch den klar strukturierten Aufbau hilft es allen, die analytisch eine Sprache erlernen.


Die Schweizerin Rita Kullmann, von Beruf Lehrerin, studierte Mongolisch (die klassische Schrift) an der Inner Mongolia University in Hohhot, China in 1984-85. Von 1986-1988 lebte sie in Leeds, GB, wo ihre Familie viel Kontakt zu mongolischen Studenten aus Ulaanbaatar pflegte. 1989 nahm sie wöchentliche Mongolischlektionen an der Cambridge Faculty of Oriental Studies. Von 1991-2003 lebte sie mit ihrer Familie in Ulaanbaatar, der Hauptstadt der Mongolei. Das Schreiben von Mongolian Grammar wurde unter Aufsicht der Academy of Sciences mit Hilfe von Dr. D. Tserenpil im Jahr 1996 beendet.

Seit der Rückkehr aus der Mongolei lebt Rita Kullmann mit ihrer Familie wieder in der Schweiz, hat ein Sprachheft für Anfänger (Ich lerne Mongolisch) und ihre Biografie Mongolische Antworten geschrieben.

Dr. D. Tserenpil schloss 1984 sein Studium am Mongolian Language Department der Mongolian State University ab. Er forschte am Institut für Sprache und Literatur der Mongolian Academy of Sciences im Bereich Struktur und System der modernen mongolischen Sprache. Herr Tserenpil dozierte an Universitäten und Instituten und schrieb wissenschaftliche Artikel. Im Jahr 1996 erhielt er einen Doktortitel in Linguistik. Von 1998-2001 lehrte er Mongolisch am Central Euroasian Studies Department der Indiana University in Bloomington, USA. Nach 2001 war er Direktor der internationalen Abteilung der School of Mongolian Language and Culture an der National University of Mongolia. Er verstarb leider 2011.


Review 1997

"This entertaining and well presented book was written on the basis of the author's observations and frustrating experiences as she made the enormous endeavor to learn Mongolian....

Mr. Tserenpil's background knowledge and research on the structure and system of Modern Mongolian, which comes in light of new advances and revisions in modern Mongolian linguistics, gives the book a modern look.... While authors had a practical objective to design a book that would help foreigners learn Mongolian and thereby fill the void for a Modern Mongolian Grammar in English, this text book also promises to be a popular and useful scientific grammar... .The so-called language "fillers" are really important in any language. Appropriate and timely use of these fillers gives the naturalness to speaker's speech and allows one to express abstract feelings and emotions in a correct way. Moreover, right use of them shows a speaker's proficiency in a target language.... I know of no Mongolian grammar or textbook, except this book, where interjections ("fillers") are listed in a very detailed way with the situations and circumstances in which they can be used.... From my experience teaching Mongolian as a second language to English speakers for 10 years, I consider this book to be an accurate and practical Mongolian grammar. It would be of equal interest to learners of Mongolian language, scholars, and researchers alike." (from the book review written by B.Khurelbat in the "Mongolian Studies", Journal of the Mongolia Society, Volume XX, 1997)

"Habe mittlerweilen Ihr Werk (Opus!) grösstenteils durchgearbeitet, v.a. die Verbalstrukturen. Ehrlich, es ist einfach sagenhaft, was Sie geschrieben haben! Bin enorm beeindruckt über Ihre Arbeit. ... Mich hat sehr beeindruckt, wie Sie das mongolische Sprachsystem versus das traditionelle lateinische System bewältigt haben. Genial! " (Jürg Schlageter, Schweiz, 2004)


„Your Mongolian Grammar was recommended to me by a person who speaks Mongolian very well and considers your book as probably the best one.“ (Jan Svoboda; Jan 2009) 


„Best Grammar ever seen on Mongolian Language"

After studying Mongolian language for nearly 10 years, Rita wrote this excellent and comprehensive book about Mongolian grammar. It contains about 450 pages and handles nearly all grammar forms appearing in colloquial, current literary and ancient literary language. The book has examples to every grammar form, both cyrillic and classical uighur script is handled. Each grammar form has several examples in English and Mongolian in complete sentences, highlighting the grammar. All forms are explained, even the differences between the script used in China and Mongolia, not to mention the "ancient" endings which one could find in historical documents. For my own studies of Mongolian language it was a great help to understand the grammar forms and it remains helpful for understanding the classical script. One of the highlights of this book is a complete list of the grammar terms in Mongolian, English and German language, also the contents are available in English and Mongolian. That makes this book very helpful for native Mongolian speakers for explaining their language to foreigners." (Andreas Goretzky; 2009)


"Your work is absolutely fantastic, all the more that you have combined the Cyrillic alphabet together with the classical Mongolian script. This is just what I needed, as I have also decided to learn the traditional Mongolian script. ...This sort of tremendous work deserves appreciations. I thank you infinitely to have shared your knowledge with those interested by this fascinating language and culture." (Jean-François Minot, 2020)

"Auch möchte ich mich bei der Gelegenheit bei den Autoren für das Buch als solches bedanken. Es ist eine ausserordentlich gute Arbeit und sicher sehr mühsam gewesen – setzt sich vom üblichen pseudo-didaktischen Schema wohltuend ab. Für mich ist es eine grosse Bereicherung." (Ulrich Sigor; Juni 2020)

"I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks so much for all the incredible work you've done with the Mongolian Grammar. I can't tell you how many times I've turned to your book to understand some rule of Mongolian grammar, that isn't explained in any other resource. It's an invaluable source of information and I'm grateful you continue to publish the book at an affordable price for students of the language." (Richard, California / USA, Februar 2022)


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